최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

結核患者에 대한 MMPI


Study on the Korean standard MMPI was performed on 154 active tuberculosis patients who were admitted in the National Masan Tuberculosis Hospital Emphasis was made that tuberculosis is a chronic wasting physical illness and shows many neuropsychiatric problems in its course. Patients were divided into 3 groups, namely, minimal, moderate advanced, and far advanced group. The following results were obtained. 1. A high validity score around 50 in L. F. K. sacle was noted. 2. As for the clinical neurotic scale of Hs, D. H y ., the normal regular pattern was noted in the minimal group and the moderately and far advanced gorup showed a significant increase in the score rather proportional to the disease course. 3. Although the clinical psychotic scale was within the normal range, there was a tendency of increase in the score as the morbid state progressed. 4 There appeared no significant relationship between the progress of morbid state and behavior disorder scale or Si scale, respectively. 5. In general, male patients showed an increase of score as compared to the female patients.

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