최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

「길」部落과 養家療法


  • 12

The author studied on Geel foster family care in Belgium between 1971 and 1972. Geel is located on the northern part of Belgium . 1. In 1969, this colony had 260 mental patients in the central colony hospital and 1600 patients in foster family care program among 2900 of in habitants . 2. Geel foster family care longest history since 7th century by the influence of catholic tradition . 3. Most mental patients among the foster family care was mental retardation and schizophrenics. 4. General population of Belgium other than Geelian look this colony putting a stigma as an untouchable part of land , while foreigners are begin to study about it with great in terests. 5. There were no significant accidents among the Geel mental patients in these centuries. Only one case of homicidal behavior was reported on 1906. 6. One patient usually was placed in a foster home but rarely two patients were placed together. 7. Most mental patients lives in Geel after they moved into this colony as a foster patients . Very few got out by the improved state of ailments

Geel 部落의 歷史的 考察 및 槪況

Geel 部落의 養家療法

結論 및 Aro 마을의 紹介

