최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

偏執性 精神分裂症의 亜型別 妄想 및 幻覺에 關한 內容分析


The studies were made on the 114 cases of the paranoid schizophrenics who were diagnosed at Dep artment of Neuropsychiatry , Woo Sok Hospital, from Jan . 1972 to March 1974. The subtypes of the paranoid schizophrenia were divided in to the phonemic , the hypochondriacal, the incoherent, the fantastic , the confabulatory , and the exansive , according to the classification of paraphrenia of Oppenheimer. The attempt was to show their relationships with age, occupation and educational level, and the nature of subjects, sources, directions of the hallu-cinatory themes, and of contents , persecutors, targets of the persecutory delusions. The results were as follows; 1. In the distribution of clinical subtypes, phone- mic paraphrenia occupied 50 .88 % , hypochondriacal 23 .68 % , expansive 9 .65 % , incoherent 8 .77 % , fantastic 5 .26 % . and confabulatory 1 .75 % . 2. The mean age of the paraphrenics was 29 .24 years old and they were usually in their late 20s or 30s. 3. As to the occupational distribution, the student occupied the highest rate. And the educational level was much higher, generally. 4. In the phonemic paraphrenics, it was revealed that all of them experienced auditory hallucination . About 43% of the subject of the hallucinations were the ones of vague person and 62 .07% of their sources were voice from unknown place. Depressive persecutory delusions which were associated with one of their families and of their fellows were the most prevalent ones. Vague feeling of persecution and delusion of one ’s mind being read also much prevalent ones and in these cases the persecutors were represented by the vague person, friends, parents and political agents. 5. In the hypochondriacal paraphrenics, it was revealed that 14. 8 % of the experienced auditory hallucinations and the themes of their auditory hallucination were almost composed from bodily annihilation or disfigurement. Most of their persecutroy delusions were also hypochondriacal content and associated with depre- ssive tendeny . In these cases the persecutors were vague person, parents or spouse. 6. In the incoherent or fantastic paraphrenics ,the most of the delusion were the vague magical or grotesque ones. In the confabulatory , the perse cutory delusion was associated with the expansive ideation . 7. In the expansive paraphrenics , it was revealed that 36 .36% of the experienced auditory hallucinations . The most of the perse cutory delusion were the political or grandious contents and associated with expansive ideatio n . In these cases their persecutory delusions were usually comprised from occup ational damage and their persecutors were police or other in telligent agents and political figures. 9. On the bases of this pilot study the family dynamics , socio - cultural backgrounds and personah lity developmental patterns are to be intestigated in order to clarify the factors influencing the dete— rminaton of subtypes and their prognosis.

搞 論

調查對象 및 方法


考 按

結 論

