In order to reveal the psychical phenomena of the psychicand psychomotor seizure, 62 cases who were given the diagnosis of the psychic and psychomotor epilepsy at the Neuropsychiatry Departm ent of Woo Sok Hospital, Korea University , Medical College,from Jul. 1965 to Jun . 1974, were invest igated in this study . The result were as follows; 1. In the distribution of psychical phenomena ,changes in behavior occupied 33 .8 % , complex hallu cinatory experiences 20 .9 % , perceptual changes 17 .7 % , changes in emotion 11 .3 % . changes in selfaw areness 9. 7 % , changes in thought 0.5 % . 2. As to the age of onset, 4 3 .6 % of total patients had their first attack at the ages between 10 and 19,24 .6 % at the ages between 20 and 29. As a consequence, about 70% of total patients and their first attack up to their age of young adult. 3. As to the precipitating factors, the most frequent one was psychic factor and it occupied 3 3 .8% of total patients . 4. The presumed etiological factors which were considered to be associated with the psychic and psychomotor seizure, were as certained among 35 .5% of total patients . Among those factors , the most frequent one was in fection and was rated 12 .9% of total patients . 5. The cases which were accompained by significant psychiatric findings occupied 43 .5 % of total patients , no significant psychiatric finding 56 .5 % . As to the significant psychiatric findings , the most predominant one was depression and it occupied 9 .7 % of total patients , the next was personality disorder and it occupied 8.1 % . 6. Out of the total patients about 56 .5% of them had various neurotic personality traits and rest of them had relatively stable personality . The most frequent neurotic trait was quick -tempered and high strung one and it occupied about 38 .7 % of total patients . 7. The pattern of seizure of the psychomotor type was rated. 50-0% of total patienjts. 8. In all of the cases, abnormal E.E.G . was revealed in 50 .0 % and the abnormality which is foca lized on the temporal lead was 16 .1%, the localized abnormal E. E. G . was 24 .2 % and the generaliz ed was 9 .7 % . 9. In the proportion of wave patterns of abnor mal E. E. G. , paroxysmal slow wave was 61 .3% of total positive abnormal E. E. G . patients and isolated spike was 19 .4 % .
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