In this clinical study , it w as intended to reveal the distribution of subtypes and their educational level, socioeconomic status , marital status, occupation , parent histories , premorbid personality , ages of onset, precipitating factors, and symptomato-logy of obsessive compulsive patients in Korea . The subjects in the study were 62 cases of obscessive compulsive neurosis who were diagnosed at the Department of Neuropsychiatry , Woo Suk Hospital, Korea University , Medical College from Jan , 1968 to June , 1974. These 62 cases of the obsessive-compulsive neurotics were classified into three subtypes, which were 20 cases of obsession type , 25 cases of compulsion type , 17 cases of mixed type . The results were as follows ; 1. The obscessive- compulsive neurotics occupied 2.2% of all neurotic patients . 2. As to the sex distribution , it was revealed that male occupied 62 .9 % and female occupied 37 ,1% of all patients . 3. Their mean age of initial visit to our department was 27 .5 years old. 4. Educational background revealed that 71 .1% of the patients had higher educational level. 5. Socio-economic status revealed that 87.1% of the patients belonged toupper class. 6. As to the marital status , un married cases occupied 64 .5 % of the patients . 7. According to the occupational distribution , among the male patients , student showed highest rete of 48 .7%, and among the female patients , house wife showed the highest rate of 52 .5% . 8. Parent histories revealed that 66 .1% of the patients had obsessional character trait and some kind of neuroses and psychoses in their parents. Among these parents 46.8% of them had obsession al character traits and 4.8 % of them had obsessive compulsive neurosis and 11 .3% of them had other kind of neurosis and 3. 2% of them had psychosis. 9. As to the premorbid personality , obsessive compulsive personality was most frequent one which occupied 75 .8% of the patients . 10. As to the age of onset, 32 .3 % of total patients had their initial symptoms at the ages between 16 and 20. 11. As to the precipitating factors , 45 .2 % of total patients had clear precipitating factors . 12. In all obsessive compulsive neurotic patients , the more frequent symptoms were cleaning ritual, emotional obsession, makin g sure ” routine , obsessive related phenomena in pjhobia, and exaggera tion of minutiae in daily routine in this order. According to each subtypes , the patients with emotional obsession occupied highest rate of 40 .71% of total obsessions, the patients with “making sure ” routine occupied 34 .4 % of total compulsions . The patients with obsessive related phenomena in pobia occupied highest rate of 26. 4% of all mixed type .
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