Five cases of general paresis, who visited the Department of Neuro - psychiatry , Woo Sok Hospital, Korea University during last one year, presented and discussed in the view of their clinical characte ristics and diagnostic problems. Then the following results and suggestions were obtained . 1. Three patients out of five cases were difficult to differentiate from manic- depressive psychosis or psychotic depression on the first psychiatric and neurological examinations . 2. Pupillary changes and convulsive episodes, previously reported as characteristic symptoms of general paresis, were not found in all of the cases. 3. One out of all their spouses showed positive reaction in the blood serological test. 4. Two out of five cases showed abnormal tracings in Electroencephalogram . 5. It was the author s impression that not only the primary syphilitics but also the general patretics was increasing in our country . 6. It is strongly recommended that those of patients over the age 30 manifesting major functional psychosis on the 1st psychiatric interview should have blood serological test as a routine examinations .
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