The purpose of this study is to investigate the results of the psychotherapy which has been perfor med by the psychiatric residents of Seoul national university hospital from April, 1. , 1969 , to July , 31 . , 1973 , especially , to elucidate the sociocultural factors which have been influenced on the dropping out of the patient from the therapy . 11 psychiatric residents who engaged intreatment gave answers to the specially prepared questionnaire and they were interviewed individually or in a group to avoid the conceptual misunderstandings . Among 104 patients who were treated at the psychiatric out - patient clinic of the hospital , 86 . 5% of them was considered as the drop - out according to our own definition for the termination of the psychotherapy . The high rate of dropping out can be attributed partly to our definition of termination which requires a high degree of personality maturation with the achievement of insight in patient ’s own psychological problems , on the one hand , and the agree ment of both patient and therapist upon the termination of the psycho therapy through verbal interchange of their opinions on the results of the therapy , on the other hand . In fact , 60 . 6 % of the group was regarded as clinically improved proving that the high rate of dropping out does not necessarily indicate the failure of the psycho therapy . Comparing with the results of some American studies there was no great difference in the rate of early dropping out : the drop - out rate within 4 sessions was 34 . 4 % and it is slightly higher than the Frank ’s 30 % , the drop - out rate within 5 sessions was 40 % which was lower than the Koren , s 50 % . How the socioeconomic factors did effet on the rate of dropping out , could not yet be estimated because of difficulties in determination of the social class in Korea and the limited numbers of the sample . It was noteworthy that only 27 . 9 % of the drop out cases expressed their desire to discontinue the therapy directly or indirectly , while 66 . 7 % of the cases left the therapist without a word . The discussions were held on such an way of leaving therapist and as one of the possible reasons of such attitude of the patients the character is tic way of the interpersonal relation ship determined by taoistic and buddhistic thoughts with their concept of time as eternity was suggested .
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