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KCI등재 학술저널

음악시로서의 힙합시와 현대사설시조 비교분석

A Comparative Analysis of Hiphop Poetry and Modern Narrative Sijo as Music Poetry: Focused on Social Context of Narratives

  • 140

본 연구에서는 서술기법 등에 있어 전형적인 힙합시(hiphop poetry)라 칭할 수 있는 미국흑인 음악시들과 힙합음악의 랩 가사들 중 사회적 현실성을 견지한 대표적 사례를 살펴보고, 주제의 유사성 측면에서 비교 고찰해 볼만한 한국 현대사 설시조 작품들을 찾아 서사의 사회적 맥락을 중심으로 이 둘을 함께 살펴보고자 한다. 힙합시와 현대사설시조는 창작기 반과 배경, 향유계층에 있어 다소 차이가 있지만, 이 둘은 개인 혹은 계층 간의 사회적 갈등을 구전전통의 예술 형태로 표출하면서 그 갈등을 완충하는 역할을 하는 데 있어 어느 정도 맥을 같이 한다고 할 수 있다. 무엇보다도 이 두 장르는 각자의 구전전통을 바탕으로 음악과 시가 결합한 데서 출발하여 서사를 확장하는 서술방식을 사용한다는 점이 매우 유사 해서 그 방식과 내용을 비교분석해 볼 만하다. 이 과정을 통해 풍자와 해학의 맥을 담은 현대사설시조가 이미 커다란 영 향력을 확보해가고 있는 힙합시처럼 현실참여와 사회적 발언의 역할에 보다 눈을 돌려 현실시 혹은 현장시 로서의 자리 를 잡아가도록 관심을 기울이고 독려하고자 하는 것이 이 논문의 목적이라 하겠다.

African American hiphop poetry and Korean modern narrative sijo, which have preserved the essence or authenticity of hiphop and narrative sijo respectively, still seem to be located on the frontiers or in the fringe area of poetry. There are a couple of reasons for that. First, both genres are of multicultural nature. Second, they are not supported by stronger cultural power since they are preferred and enjoyed by socially weak groups. However, the hiphop culture has become one of the strongest icons of popular culture not only in America but also around the world since the 1990 s. Under these circumstances, hiphop poetry has played a major role in speaking on behalf of society. In contrast, modern narrative sijo hasn t been supported by pop culture as in the case of hiphop poetry. Only by making their own efforts, poets sometimes produce high-quality works with comic beauty, an important factor of traditional narrative sijo. Nevertheless, many of the recent works tend to be limited to immature satire of reality and humor or boring daily routine (of being content amid poverty and taking pleasure in acting in an honest way) and meaningless smiles. Consequently, they are far from drawing readers attention. In this context, this research first looks into representative cases of reflecting social reality, among the poems that can be regarded as typical hiphop poetry and rap lyrics of hiphop music. It then finds modern narrative sijo works that could be studied in the same vein and compares them with the aforementioned hiphop poetry works. The purpose of this research is to reflect on if modern narrative sijo has been weaker than hiphop poetry when it comes to expressing the social conflict among different groups and to playing a role of alleviating the conflict. Moreover, its another purpose is to widely promote the value of modern narrative sijo and to encourage more fruitful creative activities, so that modern narrative sijo of satire and humor can find its place as poetry of reality (realistic poetry) and poetry of resistance (resistant poetry) again, not ignoring its role of participating in reality and speaking on behalf of society just as hiphop poetry that always speaks up. Modern narrative sijo will then be able to be loved by the public as much as hiphop poetry.

Ⅰ. 시작하며: 음악시로서의 힙합시와 현대사설시조

Ⅱ. 힙합시와 현대사설시조 서사의 사회적 현실성

Ⅲ. 마치며: 음악성을 지닌 현실시의 자리 되찾기
