A 61 year old Korean business man had been suffering from long standing endogenous depression for 7 years. He has been treated with insulin, E. S. T. and other treatment for depression at private clinics and a few neuropsychiatric department of college hospitals. But he was aggravated to serious condition including suicidal risk. So he was admitted to neuropsychiatric department of Woo Sok University, Medical College on 5,May 1968. At admission, he had complained of insomnia; agitation lack of drives, interest and initiativeness; anorexia and suicidal ideation, etc. After admission, he was given imipramine 50 mg. per day initially then imipramine dosage was gradually increased with 25mg. every 2 to 3 days. On 10 July 1968, imipamine dosage was 350mg. per day but he was not relieved. Because of the above mentioned poor improvement, on 11 July 1968, he was given combined administration of imipramine 350 mg. per day and reserpine 0.25 mg. to 0. 5mg. every day. On the 9th day of combined treatment, he was given imipramine 350mg. and reserpine 3 .5mg. per day, around the same time he began to manifest the fine sentiments, regaining of drives and mood changes. The dosage of reserpine was gradually increased to the amount of 7 .5mg. per day. After administration these same dosages for 4 days, he began to show active action such as talking, walks and even cardrive in daily life. When the reserpine kept in the dosage of 7. 5mg. per day for 8 days, he began to complain muscular weakness, the dosage of reserpine gradually decreased. After 35 days of combined treatment, his condition was excellent such as good emotional response, action, regaining of drives, initiativeness, interest, increased appetite, etc and he was discharged on 31, Aug. 1968. With the maintanance single daily administration of imipramine 50mg. and perphenazine tog . , he is keeping his utmost health and participating active business affairs,
緖 言
症 例
人院當時 患者의 所見및 治療經過
考按 및 結語