최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

만성 정신분열증환자의 Schneider 일급증상의 예후적 가치에 대한 연구(II)

A Study for Prognostic Values of Schneiderian First-Rank Symptoms in Chronic Schizophrenics(II)

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Objects : This study was designed to investigate the prognostic values o f Schneiderian firstrank symptoms in chronic schizophrenics. Methods : We divided the subjects, 30 patients with schizophrenia, into two groups according to the presence or absence of Schneiderian first-rank symptoms. We compared the two groups by premorbid and morbid factors, short-term outcome of response to antipsychotics, and long-term outcc쇼ne,measured with Bland ^ outcome measures. Results : 1) There were no significant differences in premorbid and morbid factors, short-term treatment responses, and total score of Bland s outcome measures between two groups. 2) In Schneiderian first-rank symptoms negative group, the frequency o f admission was in in verse correlatioruwith the score o f psychiatric condition o f Bland s outcome measures and total score of Bland’s outcome measures. And the degree of premorbid sexual adjustment was in inverse correlation with the economic productivity score of Bland’s outcome measures also. In Schnneiderian first-rank symptoms positive group, there were positive correlations between the family history for the schizophrenics and the economic productivity score of Bland s outcome measures, between the age of first hospotalization and the short-term treatment response, between the guilty feeling and the short-term treatment response and between the guilty feeling and the score of psychiatric condition of Bland s outcome measures. 3) In Schneiderian first-rank symptoms positive group, BPRS score on admission was positively correlated with the factors such as total score, the score of psychiatric condition and the score of social adjustment of Bland s outcome measures, and also the short-term treatment response was in positive correlation with the total score of Bland s outcome measures. Conclusions : These findings suggest that the prognostic values o f Schneiderian first-rank symptoms is questionable in both long-term and short-term outcome in general, but Schneiderian first-rank symptoms have values as prognostic factors for the outcome of specific function or treatment response.

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연구대상 및 방법

연 구 결 과

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