There have been many reports about the biologic cause of premenstrual syndrome(PMS), suggesting disturbances of plasma hormonal levels during the late luteal phase. These reports, however, are not consistent in their results, and many o f them were criticized for the methodological problems including choice of subjects and lack of established diagnostic criteria. In this study, we tried to investigate the levels of gonadal steroids and gonadotropins in patients with premenstrual syndrome. We selected 16 subjects using a retrospective screening method, premenstrual assessment form, and a prospective method, daily rating form, to confirm. And we compared the hormonal levels of the patient group with 9 normal women both on early follicular phase and on late luteal phase. The levels of estrogen, progesterone, estrogen/progesterone ratio, luteinizing hormone, follicle- stimulating hormone, and prolactin were not significantly different between the patient group and the normal control group during late luteal phase. During the early follicular phase, LH level in patient group were significantly lower than in control group, but other hormonal levels between the two groups were not significantly different. Our data suggest that the hormonal changes in the late luteal phase are not the definite causative factors for development of symptoms of PMS, and there may be some hormonal changes before the late luteal phase, which are related to the pathophysiology of premenstrual syndrome. This study has some limitations of too small size of subjects and not controlling the effects of the psychiatric medications. Further studies, which investigate dynamic activities of gonadotropins and other hormones or neurotransmitters regulating the gonadal steroids will be needed.
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