최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

입원한 여성의 급성 정신증과 월경관련 증후군

Acute Psychosis and Menstruation-related Syndrome in Hospitalized Woman

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Objects : The authors have clinically observed that many reproductive female patients whose psychiatric admissions or onset/recurrence of the psychiatric symptoms were related to their menstrual cycle. And in a few cases, their significant symptoms were not properly to be diagnosed with DSM-III-R system only, particularly in acute psychotic patients. So this study was designed to examine the possibility that such atypical symptoms would be considered as a specific syndrome or disorder related to menstrual cycle, menstruation-related syndrome. Methods : 1) The authors re-diagnosed 112 reproductive female patients with acute psychosis hospitalized in a psychiatric ward of Wonju Christian Hospital during two years period(1991. 1. 1 - 1992. 12. 31) according to DSM-III-R criteria, and identified their with the Sibergeld’s classification to determine in what phase they were admitted to. 2) A group o f patients with atypical symptoms, in which the diagnoses were not agreed by more than two authors, was selected, and the symptoms were listed and scored on the severity (1-moderate, 2-severe). 3) The symptom list o f an atypical patient group was compared to the Premenstrual Assessment From(PAF) and Menstrual Distress Questionnaire(M DQ) to illuminate its relation to the menstrual cycle. Results : 1) Most of the reporductive female patients with acute psychosis were admitted in premenstrual( 38.9%), ovulation(27.8%), or menstrual phases(18.1%), respectively. 2) Eleven patients showed regressed behavior, perplexity, confusion, hostility, negativistic behavior, poor impulse control, psychomotor agitation, and emotional lability. 3) All of the atypical patient group was in premenstrual(72.4%) or ovulation phase(27.3%) on admission. Conclusion : If acute psychotic state was full-blown on the premenstrual or ovulation phase and the main symptomatology met the above 8 characteristic symptoms, those patients would be considered as a menstruation-related syndrome

서 론

연구 대상 및 방법

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요 약

