최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신과 입원환자의 신체적 문제에 대한 조사

A Study of Physical Problems in Psychiatric Inpatients

  • 17

This study was designed to determine the frequency and characteristics of physical symptoms and diseases in the psychiatric inpatients, and was directed to assess the physical problems and possible ways to resolve them in a closed psychiatric unit. Through evaluation of medical records of 386 inpatients from Kwangju Severance Psychiatric Hospital of Yonsei Medical College during a one-year peroid, from September 1,1993 to August 31,1994, we classified the physical problems according to ICD-9CM, comparing with the contents of primary health care in family practice. The results were as follows ; Among the total number of 386 psychiatric inpatients, 159 patients( 41.2%) had the physical problems with 196 physical diagnoses(1.23 diagnoses per a patient). The most common diagnoses were constipation, upper respiratory tract infection, tinea, alcholic liver disease, dental caries in a descending order. The most common systemic diagnoses were diseases of digestive system, skin, ENT(ear, nose and throat) and dental diseases. The 81. 6% of the physical problesm were consulted to a family physician with referral rate of 5.3%. Our results suggest that the majority of the physicial problems in a closed psychiatric unit could be resolved by consulting to a family physician.

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