This study was designed to observe the psychosocial characteristics of wife battering husbands by dividing them into violent and nonviolent family groups. This was on the assumption that their family backgrounds would make differences in their characteristics. The study subjects were a total of 70 over the period between August, 1993 and July, 1994 : 45 wife-battering husbands referred to or admitted at Bugok National Mental Hospital and the Department of Psychiatry, Kyungpook National University Hospital and the 25 who were interviewed through their battered wives protected at the Shelter House in Masan. The results were as follows ; 1) The average age o f the husbands at the time o f survey was 42.9 : high school graduates (44.3%) and the unemployed(21.4%) were most frequent. Comparison of the two groups revealed the average age of those from violent families was 40.1 while that from nonviolent was 47.0, signifying that the violence from violent families came to be known public earlier. Little differences were found between the two groups in age of marriage, educational level and occupation. 2) 54.3%, over the half, started their initial battering before marriage and within three months after wedding. The frequency of battering was most often more than once a week in 51%. The majority, 60.0%, accounted for 30 minutes as battering duration ; the severity of battering showed 48.6% marked Q or R on CRT scale, that is in such a severe extent as to threaten with or use the weapon for murder. In comparison of the two groups, the perpetrators from violent families started battering at earlier stage of marriage than those from nonviolent families. They also showed severer extents in duration, and used more of the cruel tools which resulted in severer physical injuries of the battered wives. 3) The general behavior patterns of the husbands revealed heavy drinking, 51% ; chaotic extramarital sex, 31.4% ; history of arrests, 28.6%. Other related behavioral characteristics included accompaniments by oral abuses, 80.8%, beating in the presence of children, 62.9%, beating after drinking, 48.6% and sexual behavior after beating, 28.6%. The husbands from the violent families were reported more with the episodes in sexual behavior after beating, Jekyll & Hyde game, chaotic extramarital sex. 4) About half of the battering husbands, 49.2%, beat the children at the same time with no difference between the two groups. 5) 82.9% of the batering husbands did no want divorce in both groups. 6) 54.3% of the battering husbands were from violent families and, in the nonviolent family group, 59.4% were from the deficit families. In general, 81.4% of battering husbands were from violent or deficit families. 7) In the husbands’ character traits, low self-esteem(58.6%) and sense of male supremacy(54. 3%) were remarkable. In comparison, the violent family group showed more of aggressiveness and dual personality. 8) The psychiatric impressions of the battering husbands manifested themselves mostly in such sequence as alcohol dependence, 34.3% ; antisocial personality disorder, 24.3% ; delusional disorder, 10.0%. In comparison, the violent family group had by far the greater number of antisocial personality disorder ; all the dependent personality disorder was from nonviolent family group. Thus, the point that attracted our attention most strongly among psychosocial characteristics was their psychiatric impression and their family background of their growth. That is to say, over the half of them belonged to alcohol dependence, antisocial personality, and delusional disorder and their families were mostly of violence or deficit. In comparison of the two groups, the husbands for violent families showed such tendencies as
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