이 연구는 음악과 교육과정에서 국악의 양과 내용의 변천 과정을 살펴보고, 미래의 방향을 탐색하려는 것이다. 이를 위해 한국의 근대 학교 제도에서 시작된 음악 교육부터 제7차 개정 교육과정기까지 전 과정의 국악 내용을 살펴보았다. 국악은 한국의 초기부터 70년 이상 음악 교육에 존재하지 않았다고 볼 수 있으며, 제1차 교육과정기(1955)부터 조금씩 들어가기 시작하여, 제7차 교육과정기(1997)에 와서는 국악은 분리된 개념으로 중요한 자리를 차지하게 되었다. 현재 음악과 교육과정(2007년 개정 제7차 교육과정기)에 국악의 양은 늘어나고 개념은 공고해졌지만 이 과정에서 전통 지향적인 국악은 과거의 음악에 한정되고 있다. 이러한 국악은 학생들의 흥미를 잃을 수 있으며, 음악 교과 내의 세계의 음악에 대한 양의 축소 그리고 음악과 국악 개념의 이분화에 따른 음악 개념의 혼란과 과다의 문제에 대한 현명한 대응이 요구되고 있다.
The purpose of this research is to oversee the current status of Kukak(Korean traditional music in the Korean music educationmacroscopically and to explore its prospect. To service such purpose, the research details include organizing the contents of Kukak from the beginning of the Korea’s modern school music education to the Japanese imperialismera and the music curriculumfromthe 1st through 7th revision step by step and especially analyzing the level of quantity and presentation of concepts. Themain details and discussion points received from this research are as below. First, a discussion is required about the appropriateness of the amount of Kukak. In the textbooks of music curriculum, the number of songs, concepts, and musical instruments of the Kukak have increased continuously. And in particular, the recent music textbooks takes up to 30~40%of the overall contents. In order to enable the students to learn the global cultures beyond the country’s emotions and cultures through themusic education, there is a need to adjust the amount ofKukak. There is a need for a proper balance among theKukak,westernmusic, and non-westernmusic alongwith the qualitativemusic education. Second, there is a need to discuss about the consolidation of the terms (concepts) used in the Kukak. In the 1st through 3rd education courses, therewas no concept of Korean classicalmusic. In the 4th education course, there was even no presentation of terms related to theKukak. However, afterwards, inmusic curriculum, the concept of Kukak has become more concrete. And in the current music curriculum, the terms for concepts such as rhythm, melody, form, speed, and dynamic are divided into two for terms for Kukak and general music. Considering the fact that the Kukak or themusic ismeans of music education, efforts to unify the terms for Kukak andmusic are required. Third, there is a need to consider expanding the scope of Kukak in themusic education. Currently, in themusic education, the Kukak is limited to traditional music. This creates simplicity and invariability of Kukak and decreases the creativity and interests. Only having themusic of the past as the cannon and onlymaintaining such despite the fact that the musical grammar is continuously developing may lose the vitality of music and music education. The Kukakmust be the one which has the thoughts and feelings of Koreans’ past, present, and future. And such a Korean classical music should be thematerials for education.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한국 음악 교육사에서 국악 내용
Ⅲ. 국악의 의미와 변천
Ⅳ. 논의점