최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

영화 ≪세가지색: 레드≫의 음악 분석을 통하여 본 주제음악의 역할과 기능

  • 237

In the film 《Three Colors: Red》, the relation between the theme music and the main characters can be seen as a very direct expression as to how music is used to describe the emotions of a particular character, but at the same time, along with the sentiment of such music and its harmony with the character, intentional technical applications in the theme music assist in developing a complex and more interesting narrative in the film. Each theme music reveals the personality its respective character, while at the same time the similarities of theme musics fulfill both the diversity and unity necessary to deliver the key message throughout the film. The theme music of the film 《Three Colors: Red》basically follows the flow of the narrative but from time to time it gives a hint to the upcoming plot, opens the door to a new phase of the storyline, or assists as sound effects. However, as seen in the analysis, the relationship of the diverse clashes between music and visual is understood to eventually harmonize with the flow of the film to completion. As a matter of fact, although music doesn t take concrete shape in story and form as film does, it acts an important part of the film to complete its narrative. Also, the development of harmony in film music is quite similar to that in pure music, like for instance, frequent use of half cadences sustain the durability, tension and incompletion of the narrative, while perfect cadences lead the story or an incident with stability. This study shows that the role of music in film should not be perceived only as background music, but like its main characters should be appreciated as a part of the film with a thematic dimension that can wholly integrate with the narrative.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 영화 《세가지색: 레드》의 주제음악의 특성

Ⅲ. 주제음악과 영화 요소들과의 관계에 있어서의 역할과 기능 분석

Ⅳ. 결론
