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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

다문화 사회에서의 문화 간 교육과 이를 위한 전제조건

The Precondition for the intercultural education in multicultural society

  • 39

These days, social phenomenon is changing to the globalization, pluralistic society and also the community member s consciousness is getting off the national, ethnic consciousness. This world-wide phenomenon is to be understood under the concept of cultural globalization. It is regarded as a general symbol for the economic, political and cultural growth into a big global community. However, our society and education s system have a tendency not to respond to phenomenon of this times. Therefore, the need for analyzing accurately models of the intercultural education or multicultural education in multicultural environment has emerged. The objective of the present study is to find a theoretical solution to a problem in our present multicultural society and to design a intercultural education model for korean through analyzing history and theories of cultural globalization and intercultural education in Germany. The contents of this study are summarized as follows. First, investigation of two different cultural situations - cultural assimilation in South Korea and that of cultural globalization through the intercultural education obtained in Germany. Second, by comparing investigation-models and the educational psychological and technological aspect, a new intercultural education s model for korean society was designed as a solution to address the prevailing issues of the day. Third, based on the results of this study, we made suggestions as follows. Firstly, based on the intercultural education s model proposed in this study, further research should be made in the field of intercultural education with regard to specific intercultural learning methods, program execution processes, and the effects of such programs. Secondly, we expect the development of more practically applicable intercultural learning methods and programs through various subsequent studies on the process of multicultural development in Korea.

Ⅰ. 서론 : 연구의 목적 및 배경

Ⅱ. 독일 다문화 사회에서의 문화 간 교육

Ⅲ. 결론 : 상호교류적 문화 간 교육을 위한 전제조건
