The True value pursued in education is to pour out every efforts to educate human beings with noble characters. This is the reason why we emphasize the importance of character education. Although character education in elementary school is instructed mostly by homeroom teacher in both general school time and general classes, it is partial and temporary. Since character education is supposed to be done in personal relationship based on reliable mutual trust and the reality of our school, it is hard to expect positive effectiveness from it. None the less the endeavor to find a way to do character education integrated with other subjects should be continued. The aim of the study is to search the possibilities of integrated character education with music education and the applicable ways. Being amiable to the position that teaching the core values of character education in integrated way is needed, I suggested several ideas and a teaching and learning plan for the integrated character education while making music harmonic and ensemble playing instruments together.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 인성교육과 관련된 음악교과 교수학습 모형 탐구
Ⅳ. 결론