As part of the activities of UNESCO, the Busan Choral Festival & Competition has evolved into a large-scale event to embrace Asia, the Pacific region, and the entire world overcoming the limitations deriving from the locality of Busan. It has thus implemented the international idea of UNESCO activities intended to promote mutual understanding and friendliness among nations and cultures across the world and spread new and diverse cultures and knowledge throughout the world. The organizing agency, Korea Choral Institute(KCI), has played a pivotal role in promoting the exchanges of choral music in the world by hosting the 2002 Busan Choir Olympics, 2005 Busan APEC Choral Festival & Competition, and 2008 Busan Choral Festival & Competition. As a result, the Busan Choral Festival & Competition has succeeded in forming sympathy among the many choral musicians of the world. Considering those aspects, this study set out to analyze the current state of the Busan Choral Festival & Competition in terms of its efforts to become a world-renowned event and its accomplishments and to suggest some directions as to its desirable growth in future.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 부산국제합창제의 현황
Ⅲ. 부산국제합창제의 종합평가
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언