최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

초등학교 음악수업에서 활용되는 음악의 언어표현 분석

Analysis about Linguistic Expressions of Music in Elementary Music Class

  • 31

This study had analyzed linguistic expressions of music in elementary music class and presents the ways for improvements. For this I had observed well-organized 8 lesson videos in Edunet, web-sites for help teaching and learning supported by Province Office of Education. In short, the following is the emerging facts of the linguistic expressions related to music. The words and concepts among the linguistic expressions related to music were used frequently but there were not many of contents of the expression connected to musical essence, non-musical expressions and subjective expressions in those class. In case that the current of class goes well and there exist lively inter-actions in those class, various expressions associated with music appeared. In the event of lessons for singing, non-musical expressions related with the topics were intentionally composed and used but there were not those contents in lessons of instrumental performance. After listening the music, the students simply express their emotions and thought like funny , joyful , feel good , etc. Though teachers feedback from students expressions on the music were permissive, It didn t expand the students thought. On the basis of the fact that emerged in the music class analysis, I suggest the followings for joyful music class which has lively linguistic expressions In case of composing the music class, reflect the linguistic expressions related music. Teacher have to provide students with the instance of linguistic expressions related music through various linguistic expressions and let students feel and express their own emotions and thought. Related to music, many researches that various linguistic expressions could be done will be conducted.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 음악의 언어표현

1. 음악과 언어

2. 음악수업에서 언어 표현의 의미

3. 음악에 대한 언어 표현과 음악교육

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

1. 분석대상

2. 분석기준

3. 분석절차

Ⅳ. 음악의 언어적 표현 실태 분석 및 결과

1. 음악개념

2. 음악에 대한 본질적 표현

3. 음악외적 표현

4. 음악에 대한 주관적 표현

Ⅴ. 결론
