최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

지연성 근긴장이상과 지연성 운동장애에 대한 비교연구

A Comparative Study of Tardive Dystonia and Tardive Dyskinesia

  • 15

The objective of this study was to compare the prevalence, clinical manifestations of tardive dystonia(TDt) with tardive dyskinesia(TD) and to examine various putative risk fetors. Subjects were patients admitted to Seoul National Mental Hospital, Seoul. U sing the AIMS(Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale), 15 TDt patients(10 men, 5 women) and 48 TD patients(29 men, 19 women) were selected and evaluated for there d em ographic characteristics such as age and sex. 7TD patients(3 men, 4 women) were excluded from the study due to invalid past history information. Remaining 15 TDt patients and 41 TD patients(26 men, 16 women) were studied for a difference in clinical manifestions and risk fac- The results are as follows ; 1) The prevalence of TDt was 0.89%(1.03% men, 0.7% women) and the prevalence of TD was 13.4%(13.2% men, 13.6% women). The difference in age o f onset and sex between the two groups were statistically insignificant. 2) As for the clinical manifestations, most TDt patients had involvement in neck and trunk areas whereas most TD patient had involvement in tongue, upper extremities, lips and perioral areas in that order. The functional impairments due to movement disorder was significantly more severe in TDt ( p 〈0.001). 3) All putative risk factors on medication-related, past history, family history, diagnosis were not different statistically in two groups.

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