I t is well known that the administration o f scopolamine as an injection or oral form could in fluence the sleep architecture, especially R E M sleep latency and duration. In clinical usage of scopolamine, it is the most effective single drug for the prophylaxis and treatment of motion sickness. A mong the routes of administration, the patch form is preferred, because of its easy administration and the long duration of action(72hr). But there have been found no studies about the effects of scopolamine patch on sleep. In this study the authors intended to find the effects of scopolamine on sleep variables, especially R E M sleep-related variables using transdermal scopolamine patch. One scopolamine patch contained 1.5mg of scopolamine. For each of the eight young adult male volunteers, the authors applied scopolamine patch and placebo alternatively in a randomized double-blind cross-over design. The subjects’ sleep was studied polysomnogaphically using Grass model 78 polysomnogaph for three nights in cluding one adaptation night. The scopolamine patches did not alter sleep architecture such as percentage of sleep stage 1, 2,3, 4 and R E M . Total wake time, sleep latency and sleep efficiency were not different between scopolamine and placebo nights. R E M latency, duration of each R E M sleep period and total R E M sleep period did not differ between scopolamine and placebo nights. The authors conclude that the administration of a single patch of scopolamine in the evening for the night time travellers may have apparently minimal effects on sleep and does not seem to influence the major sleep architecture. However, it still remains to be answered whether scopolamine patch influences the “micro” level of sleep structure and / or function, such as phasic R E M components.
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