Objects : This study examined phenomenologic relationship between Tourette’s disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD ), conduct disorder(CD) and oppositional-defiant disorder(ODD). Methods : The subjects consisted of 36 Tourette’s disorder patients who were diagnosed according to DSM - III- R and age, sex-matched 36 controls. All the parents assessed their children using questionnaire which was developed based o n D SM - III-R diagnostic criteria of A D H D , CD and ODD . Total symptom scores(TSS) and positive symptom counts(PSC) were compared between Tourette’s disorder patients and controls. The number of subjects who met diagnostic criteria for disruptive behavior disorders were also compared. Results : There were significant differences between Tourette’s disorder patients and control group in the TSS of A D H D ( t = 2.11, df = 70, p < 0.05) and O D D ( t = 3.67,d f = 7 0 , p < 0 . 005) and in the PSC of A D H D ( t = 2.66,d f = 7 0 , p < 0.05), C D (t = 2.78, d f= 1,p < 0.05) and O D D ( t = 3.50, df = 70, p 〈0.005). Nine subjects(25.0%) met the criteria o f A D H D in Tourette’s disorder group, compared to 3 subjects(8.3%) in the control group and there was no statistically significant difference between them(x2 = 3.60,d f = 1,p 〉0.05). N o subjects met criteria of C D in both Tourette’s disorder group and in control group. Five subjects in Tourette’s disorder group and no one in the control group met the criteria o f O D D . This was statistically significant^ 2 = 5.37, df = 1,p 〉0.05). Conclusions : The number of symptoms of A D H D , C D and O D D was significantly greater in Tourette s disorder group than in control group. There was statistically significant difference between Tourette’s disorder group and control group in the number of subjects who met diagnostic criteria of the disorders of O D D , but no differences in A D H D or C D . However in A D H D there was trend toward greater occurrence of A D H D in Tourette’s disorder group than in control group.
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