최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

심인성 신체화 증상의 좌우 편재

Laterality of Psychogenic Somatic Symptoms

  • 5

Objects : The purpose of this study was to examine chief somatic complaints and their correlation to laterality in the body, and severity of anxiety and depression. Methods The sixty-one patients were examined. The diagnostic criteria used was DSM-IIIR. The severity of depression and anxiety was assessed with Hamilton’s depression scale and H am ilton’s anxiety scale, respectively. The demographic data of the subjects were also analyzed. Results : The chief psychogenic somatic symptoms that were complained by patients occurred significantly more on the left side than on the right side (Left: Right * Both=62.3% : 19.7% 18. 0% ). Headache was the most common somatic symptoms and headache and other symptoms were significantly more on the left The demographic data did not make a difference between the left and right-sided groups. The diagnosis did not make a difference between the left and right-sided groups. The score of anxiety or depression were higher in the left-sided group than the right-sided group, but not statistically significant Conclusions These results suggest that the laterality of psychogenic somatic symptoms seems to be more related with left hemisphere.

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