This survey was conducted to reveal the frequency and severity o f battering in a high school and to provide the fundamental data and understanding about battered children by their families. The sample was composed of 687 high school students (males 359,females 328) of which 485 students lived distant from the school and 179 ones near the school that located at rural area. To measure the frequency and severity of battering were administrated questionnaire and Straus,conflict resolution techniques scale (C T R). The results o f this survey were as followed • The frequency of battering during the last year was 34.1 % (females 37.9% ; males 30.6%) and the frequency of lifelong battering since after birth except last year was 82.2% (females 84.2% ; males 80.1 About h a lf of the sample(48.6 %) had already experienced battering before the last year and one third(33.6%) has persistently experienced battering regardless of its severity. In the battering during last year, there were only a few new victims(0 .4 % ). Only 17.4%, however, had not been battered until now at all. The most common batterer was father, mother, sibling, grandfather & grandmother and other relatives in order. Father was a more common batterer in the male students than in the female according to their growing up. There were no difference in the sociodemographic variables except sex, residence and fathers occupation. Conclusively, although there were many limitations the authors found out that the frequency o f battering in late childhood had been markedly decreased in a life but of severely battered students had been continuously sustained. Considering the comprehensive plan for the persistently battered cases from early childhood with progression to late childhood, we suggest that further surveys on battering in late childhood battering should be necessary
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