Objects : By means of tachistoscopic method, the authors examined the sex difference of brain asymmetricity. Methods: 19 right-handed normal adult males and 21 right-handed normal adult females with same ages and education years were examined. Used stimuli were H angul words and Chinese words with one and two letters. The stimuli were presented tachistoscopically in right and left hemivisual field for 150 msecs. Subjects were instructed to read the words as fast as possible. The correct response rate and the reaction time for each words were measured. Result: Dominance of left hemisphere was more evident in male than in female in the recognition of H angul words. In the recognition of Chineses words, to one letter words, male and female all had left hemisphere dominance. But, to two letter words, male did not have dom inant hemisphere and female have right hemisphere dominance. Conclusion : Sex difference of brain asymmetricity is not a simple thing and it may depends on the character of stimuli.
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