The author reported nine sessions of sex therapy in a 37 year old married male with psychogenic premature ejaculation. Also, the tasks and contents of treatment in each session were presented. This treatment format was a modified structured couple sex therapy emphasizing the educational intervention. The author discussed the techniques of therapy as well as the mechanisms of therapeutic effects. The summary of treatment procedures were as follows: 1) Requested an active participation of female partner and prohibited the sexual intercourse until therapist allowed it. 2) Explained a historical background and successful rate of sex therapy, and therapeutic goal in order to enhance the therapeutic effect of sexual tasks in the session. 3) Conducted the scheduled educational intervention for the corrected understanding and knowlege of sex related with premature ejaculation in every sessions. 4) Tried to practice sensate focus exercise for ehnancing the sexual communication of the couple and reducing the anxiety of sexual performance. 5) Had him learn a premonitory sensation with stop-start training to enhance a ejaculatory ability. 6) Every sessions were preceeded according to a structured schedule of treatment format
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