With the development of radioimmunoassay method, one of the improved investigative laboratory tools available today, many investigators have begun to examine relationship of prolactin (PRL) to clinical features in schizophrenia. However, the reports of relating PRL to negative symptoms in schizophrenia have been scarce. This study was designed to find whether serum PRL levels measured before antipsychotics administration are related to negative symptoms. The subjects were consisted of 36 male schizophrenia by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder-III, who were admitted to the Department of Neuropsychiatry, Dae-Gu Catholic Hospital from Sep. 1,1986 to Mar. 31,1987 and 17 normal men (control group). The results were as follows ; 1) Before antipsychotics administration, the serum PRL levels of a high negative symptom group (9.18士 6.46ng/ml) were significantly lower than a low negative symptom group (21.81士 16.22ng/ml) and control group (16.01 ± 5.49ng/ml) (p<0.005). 2) The reciprocal correlation between serum PRL levels and negative symptoms was statistically significant(r= — 0.50, p〈0.001). In the light of these results, it seems that the measurement of serum PRL as a biological marker could be used in evaluating negative symptoms of schizophrenia
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