In alcohol dependence, some drugs reduce alcohol consumption and prevent the recurrence of alcohol drinking. There were some evidences that Radix puerariae was effective in the treatment of alcohol dependence. We studied the effect of Radix puerariae on blood alcohol concentration in healthy adults. The subjects were medical students, who did not have major physical disorders, drug abuse or dependence including alcohol, and other psychiatric disorders. After drinking 25% alcohol 3ml/kg, all subjects were measured for blood alcohol concentration at 0,10,20, 30, 45, 60, 120 minutes by Alco-sensor IV. Next day, all subjects were made to take Radix puerariae 6g/day(3g bid) for 14 days. And then blood alcohol concentration were measured by the same method. The results were significant increase in blood alcohol concentration at 30,60, 90 and 120 minutes.
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