Objectives : We airmed at assessing the clinical characteristics and the suicidal ideas of suicidal attempters, and comparing the depressive symptoms, the suicidal ideas and the perceived self images of suicide-attempters with those of depressive patients and normal controls in adolescence. Methods : We included three groups, aged 14 - 18 years old: Suicide-attempter group, Depressive patient group, and Normal control group. Suicide-attempter group consisted of 21 patients who attempted suicide, and then were admitted into the emergency room from March 1994 to July 1995. Depressive group consisted of 22 patients who were diagnosed with major depression, and were treated during the same period. Forty-two normal controls were 8 - 12th grade students. Interviews were conducted using following instruments : Risk Estimators for Suicide(RES),Scale for Suicidal Ideation(SSI), Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), and Offer’s Self Image Questionnaire(OSIQ). Results : Major reasons of suicide attempt were quarrels with parents, academic failure, conflict with friends and so forth. There were no significant differences of BDI and SSI scores between suicide attempters and depressive adolescents but both groups showed significantly higher scores of BDI and SSI than control group. Suicide attempters showed lower scores of Impulse control and Morals subscales in OSIQ than depressive and control groups. Both suicide attempters and depressive adolescents had lower score of Psychopathology subscale than controls. Discriminating predictors between suicide attempters and depressive adolescents were found : academic failure, helplessness, suicidal ideas, irritable mood, lack of impulse control, and low morals. Conclusion : The clinical profiles of suicide attempters were similar to those of depressed adolescents : depressive symptoms severity, suicidal ideas, and most of perceived self-images. Attempted suicide could be predicted in depressed adolescents with several discriminants
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