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KCI등재 학술저널

지각된 스트레스와 스트레스 대처방식이 직장인의 우울과 불안에 미치는 영향

Effects of Perceived Stress and Ways of Coping on Anxiety and Depression in the White-collars

  • 99

Objectives : We attempted to clarify the relationship of perceived stress and the ways o f coping to depression and anxiety in the white-collar workers. Methods : Fine Humded forty-five white-collar workers in a large enterprise were studied using a questionnaire package com posed of dem ographic data, job stress questionnaire, global assessment of recent stress, the ways of coping checklist, Beck depression inventory, and state-trait anxiety inventory. And self reports of the subjects were statistically analyzed w ith the method of path analysis. Results & Conclusions : Perceived stress(job stress plus life stress) and the coping(problem -focused plus em otion-focused) determ ined 28.2% o f the depression, 39.1% of the state-anxiety, and 35.4% of the trait-anxiety. These findings suggest th at perceived stress and the copin g have significant effects o n the depression and state-trait anxiety of the white-collar workers. Although seemingly sim ilar, problem -focused and em otion-focused copings, were contrary to each other ineffects. Problem-focused coping reduced depression, anxiety and perceived life stress. However, emotion-focused coping didnt reduce the depression and anxiety. Furthermore, emotion-focused coping tended to increase perceived life stress. From these findings the authors inferred A a t emotion-focused coping interpreted the perceived stress as threatening and oonsequently became inefectivdy defensive. On the otiser hand, problem-focused coping appeared to interpret the perceived stress as challenge and this challenge-appraisal m obilized effective coping resources. Applying path analysis, the aurhors could make the interactiGiiy stress model in the white-collar workers comprised of perceived job stress, perched life stress, problemfocused coping , emotion-focused coping , depression, and state-trait anxiety

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