The authors investigated the psychodynamic meaning of a novel, upon the assumption that psychoanalytic criticism helps us understand the unconscious of the people. The subject was Chong-Joon Lee s serial novel, *Namdosaram(the Southerners)’,which was written from 1976 to 1981. 1) It is the main plot of this story that a man looked back upon his past and worked through the conflict related to his past. He had unconscious hostility toward his mother since she had tied him up in his childhood, and his defense against such hostility resulted in homicidal wish toward the stepfather. He also had incestuous wish toward his half-sister, which aroused guilty feelings. 2) The stepfather had implicitly demonstrated hostility toward his daughter since his wife died soon after his daughter s birth. His daughter thought that she had killed her mother and had hostile feeling toward the treatment by her father. So she had guilty feelings toward him. And her guilt might have induced her to forgive her father even though he had made her blind. 3) In the second story of serial novels, the man reexperienced the incestuous feelings toward his sister. In the third he resolved the conflict which is related to his stepfather and sister. In the fourth he resolved the unconscious hostility toward his mother and thus he could internalize stable mother s image. In the fifth he could establish integrated and cohesive self structure so that he could forgive his mother, the stepfather, the half-sister and finally himself. In this study we can gain some insight about han’,which is one of the traditional emotions of Koreans. It indicates the conflicting state between the unconscious aggression and guilty feelings and its successful resolution could provide more productive result in one s life.
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