최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

정신분열증 환자의 Haloperidol 투여에 따른 혈청 Neopterin 농도의 변화

Changes of Serum Neopterin Levels Following Haloperidol Administration in Schizophrenics

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Objects : This study was designed to investigate the relationship of cellular immune function to schizophrenia by quantitative analysis of neopterin. Also, it examined the change of serum neopterins following the administration of haloperidol, and correlation between response of improvement and change of neopterin concentrations in schizophrenics. Methods : The subjects consisted of 17 schizophrenics who had been admitted to the Department of Psychiatry, Catholic University Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital from Dec. 1, 1994 to June 31, 1995, and 17 normal controls. We measured serum neopterin levels by radioimmunoassay. Also, we observed the correlation between the changes of serum neopterin concentrations and clinical improvement measured by BPRS before and 4 weeks after haloperidol administration. Results : The results were as follows : 1) The serum neopterin concentrations in unmedicated schizophrenics were significantly higher than those of normal controls(p〈0.05). 2) The serum neopterin concentrations measured after haloperidol administration were significantly lower than those before haloperidol administration in schizophrenics(p<〔0.05). 3) The correlations between changes in serum neopterin and clinical improvement were not significant. Conclusions : These results suggested that altered cellular immunity might in part play a role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. However, it did not seem that serum neopterin would be associated with clinical response in schizophrenics.

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