최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

교통사고 다발자의 성격경향에 관한 연구 : 서울시내 일 버스회사를 대상으로

Personality Trends of Traffic Accident-Prone Individuals Among Bus Drivers

  • 23

This study was carried out for the purpose of providing the framework on personality trends of traffic accident-prone individuals. The personality trends were measured by means of Koreanstandardized Cattells 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire. For a complete investigation, detailed inquiries have been performed to bus drivers(87 persons) belonging to a bus transportation company, limited by the condition that drivers career was at least longer than five years and that the rate of no response to the questionnaire was less than 10 percent. The accidents were specially defined to several cases ; material damage and personal injury, and case that incurred below W50,000 worth of solatium. The subjects were classified into three groups : high accident group(32 persons), being composed of the drivers who have experienced three or more tra伍c accidents during the last three years, middle accident group(29 persons), one or two accidents, and low accident group (26 persons), none. The results were as follows : 1) Age, education, marital status, number of children, dwelling state, religion, sort of bus (“sitting bus” and “standing bus”), and alcohol drinking amount were not correlated with traffic accident frequency. But there was a tendency that high traffic accident group had a low driving career comparing with low accident group. 2) In first stratum source traits, high traffic accident group demonstrated highly significanct differences in C-factor(unstableness), M-factor(praxemia), O-factor(guilt-proneness), Q4-factor (tension, anxiety), and slightly significant differing tendency in Q 3-factor(self-conflict) compared with low accident group. 3) In second stratum source traits, high traffic accident group demonstrated highly significant difference in ANX-factor(anxiety) compared with low accident group. 4) In predictable source traits, high traffic accident group demonstrated highly significant differences in A-factor(coolness), F-factor(surgency), H-factor(boldness), I-factor(tendermindedness), M-factor(autia), Q3 -factor(self-conflict) compared with low accident group. In conclusion, the above - mentioned findings suggest that personality characteristics of the high accident group are unstableness,praxernia, anxiety, and guilt-proneness, and tendency to self-conflict. And they showed personality traits like high anxiety. Moreover, the personality traits such as praxernia, coolness, surgency, boldness, tender-mindedness, and self-conflict personality were shown to be contributing factors to predict traffic accidents.

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연구대상 및 방법

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