Objective : This study was designed to evaluate the effect of the psychiatric nursing assistant education done at Seoul National Psychiatric Assistant School on the attitude toward mental illness. Methods : The subjects were 39 graduates from Seoul National Psychiatric Assistant School, during 1993 -1994. They were assessed during pre- and post-education periods with Scale for Mental Health Attitude(Star 1952). Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis. Results : 1) Statistically significant changes were show n in concepts and attitudes toward mentally ill patients, therapeutic prospect to inpatient, and attitude toward open ward (P<0.05). 2) Statistically significant changes were not shown in concepts of neurosis,negativistic bias toward mental illness, therapeutic prognosis of mental illness, attitude toward inpatient treatment and care in home, and attitude toward function of psychiatric ward. Conclusion : We conclude that psychiatric nursing assistant education needs further improvement.
서 론
국립서울정신병원 부설 정신간호조무사 양성소 교육과정
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