The nationwide epidemiological study of mental disorders including major depression and bipolar disorder in Korea using DSM-III Korean Version was conducted in the Capital City of Korea(Seoul) and 20 rural areas and compared to the other 9 countries. The results were as follows : 1) The lifetime prevalence of major depression of Korea was 2.9%(female 3.8%, male 1.9%), female/male ratio was 2.0 and mean age o f onset was 29.3 years old. 2) The most prevalent country of lifetime prevalence of major depression were Lebanon and France and lower were Taiwan and Korea. In females higher were Lebanon and France and lower were Taiwan and Korea. In males, the highest was Lebanon and lower were Taiwan and Korea. The higher were West Germany and Italy and lower were Lebanon and Taiwan in the female/male ratio. In mean age of onset, younger were Canada 24.8, Lebanon 25.2 and USA 25.6 and Italy 34.8 was the oldest. 3) The most prevalent country o f bipolar disorder were New Zealand and USA and lower were Taiwan and Korea. In females, higher were New Zealand, USA and West Germany and the lowest was Korea. The highest was New Zealand and the lowest was Taiwan in males. The highest female/male ratio was USA 1.2 and the lowest was Korea 0.3. The oldest mean age of onset was West Germany 29.0 and the youngest was Canada 17.1. 4) Comorbidity (1) Alcohol abuse/dependence : ① Comorbidity of alcohol abuse/dependence was higher in Korea and Canada and the lowest was in Taiwan. ② Alcohal abuse/dependence without M D D was highest in Korea and the lowest was in Taiwan. (2) D rug abuse/dependence : ① Comorbidity of drug abuse/dependence was highest in USA and the lowest was in Taiwan. ② Durg abuse/dependence without MDD was highest in USA and the lowest was in Taiwan. (3) Panic disorder : ① Comorbidity of panic disorder was highest in Korea and the lowest was in Taiwan ② Panic disorder without MDD was highest in New Zealand and lowest was in Taiwan (4) Obsessive compulsive disorder : ① Comorbidity of Obsessive compulsive disorder was highest in West Germany and the lowest was in Taiwan. ② Obsessive compulsive disorder without MDD was highest in Canada and Puerto Rico and the lowest was in Taiwan. 5) Marital status in major depression were : (1) The highest in separation/divorce was USA and the lowest were Lebanon and Korea. (2) The highest in being married were West Germany and France and the lowest was USA. 6) Symptom occurring in 60% or more population with major depression were : (1) poor appetite - Lebanon, Taiwan and Korea (2 ) insomnia and loss of energy - all countries (3) agitation - Lebanon (4) worthless and guilt - all countries except Puerto Rico and Taiwan (5) concentration difficulty - all countries except Korea (6 ) slowed thinking - Canada, Lebanon, Taiwan and Korea (7) thought of death — all countries except France, Taiwan and Korea
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