Objectives : This research was performed in order to observe the effects of the sleep breathing disorder on the sleep by studying correlations between variables related to sleep breathing disorder and other variables related to sleep. Methods : We studied 60 patients with snoring and sleep apnea syndrome, using the polysomnography and investigated correlations between sleep variables and respiratory variables with Pearson s correlation coe伍cients. Results : Total number and total duration of obstructive sleep apnea were significantly correlated with total duration of stage 2 sleep and negatively correlated with stage 3 sleep and REM sleep. The more frequent obstructive, mixed sleep apnea and hypopnea occured, the more the oxygen saturation decreased. However, no significant correlation between central sleep apnea and oxygen saturation was found. Frequency of snoring episode was significantly correlated with sleep efficiency, total duration of stage 2 sleep, and frequency of obstructive and mixed sleep apnea, but negatively correlated with total time of REM sleep. Conclusion : This study suggests that sleep apnea, especially, obstructive sleep apnea induces the fragmentation of sleep with frequent arousals and that there is significant correlation between episodic snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
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