최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

身體 微細崎形 및 産科的 合併症과 精神分裂病의 家族歷

Minor Physical Anomalies, Obstetric Complications and Family History of Schizophrenia

In order to test the hypothesis that familial schizophrenics have fewer chances of receiving organic insults during the fetal neural development than sporadic schizophrenics, the authors compared obstetric complications, minor physical anomalies, and other clinical features in sibling schizophrenics, sporadic schizophrenics and controls. Obstetric complications were evaluated by the scale of Lewis, and minor physical anomalies were measured by the Waldrop scale. Sporadic schizophrenics had a significantly higher Waldrop score for mouth than sibling schizophrenics. Although there was some tendency of higher total scores for minor physical anomalies in sporadic schizophrenics, there were no statistically significant differences in obstetric complications and the other minor physical anomalies among three groups. There was no significant correlation between obstetric complications and minor physical anomalies. The clinical features such as age of onset, psychopathology, response to drugs, premorbid functioning, and tardive dyskinesia were not significantly different between sibling and sporadic schizophrenics. In conclusion, while the obstetric complications and minor physical anomalies were suggested to be usefiil in the search for the cause of schizophrenia, it was difficult to categorize schizophrenics into more homogeneous groups according to family history of schizophrenia using the parameter of obstetric complications and/or minor physical anomalies.

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