This study was aimed to understand human behavior through the concept o f brain asymmetry, which is the most basic part o f neuropsychiatric methodology. The association between handedness and behavior problems of children was investigated in 2831 children in the first, second, and third grade of four elementary schools in Seoul. Furthermore, the instruments were Childhood Behavior Check List(CBCL) and a H and Preference Questionnaire. The results were the following. 1) The number of right handers was 2358(82.7%),and that o f non-right handers was 494(17. 3%) respectively. There were no students using only their left hand in all five items. 2) The rate of non-right handers were significantly greater in males than in females. The rate o f non-right handers decreased with aging. 3) There was no difference in social background between right handers and non-right handers. 4) There was no difference in social competence and social achievement between right handers and non-right handers, except on sibling relationship which was poorer in non-right handers. 5) Non-right handers were scored significantly higher than right handers in total C B C L behavior score as well as in the subscales o f C B C L behavior problems, such as, withdrawal, anxiousdepressed, attention problem, aggressive and delinquent behavior. In addition, non-right handers were scored higher in both the internalizing and the externalizing behavior problems. 6) There was no sexual difference in high incidence o f behavior problems in non-right handers. These above results suggests that non-right handers had significantly more behavior problems than right handers, therefore presenting itself as a risk factor. Therefore special care is necessary for non-right handed children at home and school.
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