Objects : The purpose o f this study was to classify the current family type and juvenile criminal patterns in Korea, and then examine the correlation between juvenile criminal pattern and family type, environmental stress and personality variables of the adolescents. Methods : The data were collected through the questionnaire survey. Subjects served for this study consisted of 1,696 adolescents(1,283 student adolescents : 413 delinquent adolescents) in Korea, sampled from Korean student population and adolescent delinquent population confined in juvenile correctional institutions, using the proportional stratified sampling method. Their age range was between 12 and 18. The actual number of cases put into the analyses was 1,555 including 1^202 student adolescents and 353 delinquent adolescents. Data were analysed by SAS program. Statistical methods employed were, factor analysis, correlation analysis and partial correlation analysis etc. Results : 1) Analysis o f adolescents reports o f family dynamic environment yielded 6 family types including impulsive family type, well-functioning family type, constricted family type, chaotic family type, closed family type and immature family type in the order of their explanatory variate. In a word, impulsive family type is operationalized as involving impulsiveness of family members, acting out, emotional explosion, resistance toward authoritative figure including their parents and adults, blurred role boundaries of family member, constricted family type as involving restricted parenting to children, punishment-oriented, autocratic father and submissive mother, chaotic family type as involving parental breakup, selfish parent, economic problem, mistrust and neglect among family members, closed family type as involving social isolation, mistrust to surrounding world, parental indifference and neglect toward their children, disobedience and parental evasion of conflict, immature family type as involving a lack of independency of family members, indecisiveness, pathological bonding of family members including winning of spouse s favour and maternal dominance -paternal ineffectiveness, projection and conjugal competition. Whereas the construct defining well-functioning family type is conceptualized as involving childrens respect toward parent, democratic and flexible parental attitude toward their children, cooperation and trust among family members and harmonious parent-child relationship etc. 2) Through the literature review, the authors arbitrarily classified the 4 juvenile criminal patterns as follows ; crimes against property, aggressive crimes, assault crimes and violation o f criminal special law. 3) The hypothesis 1 is that there will be significant correlation between family type and the severity of juvenile criminal patterns. Through the correlation analysis, this hypothesis was supported. To put it concretely, of the correlation between the severity of juvenile climinal pattern and family type in Korea, impulsive family type significantly correlated with the severity of object-oriented crime, that is, damage to property, robbery, burglary and so on, whereas chaotic family type and closed family type significantly correlated with the severity of personoriented crime(crimes against person), that is violent act, physical assault and aggressive crime and so on. 4) The hypothesis 2 is that there will be significant correlation between family type, severity of juvenile criminal behavior and environmental and personality variables of adolescent. In this paper, environmental variables of adolescent were measured by death of parent, trouble between parent, divorce of parent, chronic disease of family member, parental overdrinking and dissipation, s
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