Objects : In order to define different concepts o f narcissism in Korea, this study was designed to compare the concept o f narcissism by Korean laymen with that o f DSM- IE -K Methods : 1) Initially, 2 laymen & 4 psychiatric personnel were interviewed and made to describe in free association on narcissism. W ith these results and the DSM- El -R diagnostic criteria o f narcissistic personality disorder, we developed a semistructured interview. 2) Using this semistructured interview, authors interviewed 28 key informants(14 laymen, 14 psychiatric residents) and asked them to describe their own understanding o f prototypical person o f narcissism. Psychiatric residents were comparative subjects to laymen. Results : Laymen thought positively that narcissism was one part o f personality, made them achieve self-confidence and a new vitality in life, and consequently made them more enthusiastic in one s work. Narcissism was thught to result in possible difficulties o f interpersonal relationships espeually by psychiatric residents. There was a gender difference which concentrated on the difFerences-men thought level o f education, job, success, fame and money more important whereas women took as important factors such as appearance, relationships with one’s spouse or lover and his social standing. M en overtly require acceptance by others whereas women self-absorption and intellectual achievement. When one is denied, men directly show aggressive response whereas women show this indirectly and later. Laymen saw narcissism as normal, while some saw it as a personality disorder or mental disorder. Reasons contribute to narcissism were developmental factor and socioenvironmental fector. Conclusions : Concepts and psychopathology of narcissism did not seem little difference between opinions o f laymen and DSM- HI -R. Laymen took narcissism more positively than psychiatric residents. It was taken as part o f personality, required for normal development and professional capabilities are above average and have achievement and self-confidence. Narcissism did not require treatment or when necessary it would become better. Results suggested that narcissism has sex difference more or less.
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연구대상 및 방법
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