As time passes the contents and methods of education have been supposed to be changed by the objects and ages. And I firmly believe the things are to be done that way. Music education in elementary school in Korea tends to too much depend on computer based instruction, so called, ICT education. The Ministry of Education in Korea has strongly emphasized on the ICT instruction and wanted teachers to apply it to their courses. In the light of this many companies related with IT and education have been creating some wonderful material for music classes in elementary school. The material adapted by teachers and used is very easy to use and makes teachers easy to perform their classes. The ICT tool has many good points and at the same time many problems too. Nobody in music education field in Korea has told the problems yet. The problems caused by ICT related music classes could be serious. Most of the elementary teacher candidates in the colleges of education in Korea might not feel the necessaries of practicing piano and of taking musicianship since they do not need to accompany the piano in their music classes anymore. The more ICT programs develop, the more music teachers might be needless. Children in school are supposed to be educated and evoked their feelings and emotions by their teachers not by machines. I do not deny many advantages using ICT related music class programs, but I am concerned about the main things we must keep. I suggests several things to overcome the problems ICT has in the paper.
Ⅰ. 들어가면서
Ⅱ. 본론:
1. ICT의 이해
2. 초등교실 음악수업의 실태
3. ICT를 이용한 가창수업의 장․단점 및 문제점
4. 제언
Ⅲ. 맺으면서