The 21st century, known as an era of information-oriented and globalized society, is changing rapidly. In such a society as the 21st century, the meaning of preserving each nation s unique cultural heritage is getting bigger. From this point of view, the goal of traditional music education can be defined two sided. One is preserving its originality and the other is developing further as necessary. In order to meet the goal of traditional music education, we need to have a new traditional music education methodology. As educational curriculum has changed, the importance of traditional music education has drawn the concerns of music educators and traditional musicians. However, a proper music education meeting the needs of the people is not likely provided to students because of various causes such as educational policy, portions of music teaching time, and etc. Today, a highly developed computer technology puts an emphasis on using Information and Communication Technology(ICT) in education area. Similarly, there is a big demand in music education classroom for the development of various ways of using ICT in teaching-leaning traditional music. Thus, it is the purpose of this study to develop an ICT-based teaching-learning model and a lesson plan for traditional music education. In order to meet the purpose of this study, the researcher has conducted the followings: 1) the major concept of ICT has identified, 2) the needs and methods of ICT-based education has studied, 3) existing methodologies of using ICT have Identified, 4) an ICT-based teaching-learning plans for traditional music teaching has developed, 5) ICT-based music teaching strategies have studied, and 6) the current situation of traditional music education and the rationale of using ICT in traditional music education has identified. Since there are rationales and proven effectiveness, the use of ICT-based methodologies in teaching-learning traditional music must be emphasized and broadened in all school levels. The writer suggests that a continuing development of various ICT-based teaching-learning traditional music models and lesson plans should be conducted by the music teachers and researchers to build a sound traditional music education foundation in middle schools all around the nation.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
2. 연구의 내용 및 방법
3. 연구의 제한점
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. ICT의 개념 및 구성
2. ICT 활용 수업의 유형
3. 전통음악 교육의 실태와 ICT 활용의 당위성
Ⅲ. ICT 활용 전통음악 교수-학습 모형
1. 인터넷 활용 교수-학습 모형
2. 소프트웨어 활용 교수-학습
Ⅳ. 요약 및 제언
1. 요약
2. 제언