The purpose of this study is to introduce and extend the basic method of the twelve-tone method by using Krenek s Eight Piano Pieces . Krenek s work was chosen because of his straightforward use of twelve-tone technique, which serves as a good introduction to the basic principle of twelve-tone music. He introduces the four forms of the basic set of twelve-tone music: prime, inversion, retrograde, and retrograde inversion. The prime form is in Etude , the inversion in Invention , the retrograde in Scherzo , and the retrograde inversion in toccata . In order for students to comprehend the twelve-tone method, they should be able to 1. Comprehend the concepts of prime, inversion, retrograde, and retrograde inversion. 2. Construct the concepts of prime, inversion, retrograde, and retrograde inversion matrix of a twelve-tone series. 3. Discuss, after listening to musical examples, the characteristics of twelve-tone music: melody, form, dynamic, etc. 4. Analyze twelve-tone music in terms of the manipulations discussed previously (see 2). 5. Compose their own twelve-tone music based on these methods. The students will comprehend twelve-tone music by listening, performing and composing them. First, the twelve students form a semicircle facing the chalkboard and play the original row introduced on the chalkboard. Next, play the row backwards. Second, another twelve students seat the same way to introduce the inversion of the row, and play the row first, straight and then backward. Have students compose his/her own short piece by using the rhythm presented on the blackboard and the row already given. For the further activities, students can add harmony by playing the notes in the row at the same time: first, in dyads, then in triads, in tetrads and so on. They also experiment with changing meter patterns and asymmetrical meters. In conclusion, students can understand a twelve-tone composition by participating these activities and creating simple twelve-tone music.
I. 서론
II. 8개의 피아노 소품들에 대한 단계별 수업 지도
III. 결론 및 제언