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KCI등재 학술저널

ICT 활용 음악교육 논문 분석

An Analysis of Master s Degree Thesis on ICT-Based Music Education

  • 55

One of the important tasks of education is to help students raise skills for adapting themselves to future society. To make students better cope with social changes while living in information-orientation society requires changes in existing school education. The current national curriculum of education seeks text-oriented preparation and operation of school curriculum, supplier-oriented school systems and demander-oriented educational systems for the purpose of realizing educationally, environmentally well-established, school in the 21st century. The rapid development of ICT(Information & Communication Technology), represented by computer, becomes a driving power that provides and implements new educational environments other than before. Now students are more requested to raise skills for obtaining and internalizing necessary information through ICT utilization. A positive use of ICT in music classes would make it possible for students to experience music. Such use would also promote student-oriented learning, resultantly improving qualities of teaching-learning. Thus the purpose of this study is to help set a right future direction of music education using ICT and solve problems with such education, through reviewing previous theses for masters degree in regard to the utilization of ICT. For the purpose, this researcher first reviewed the definition and particulars of ICT education. Then the researcher considered characteristics of ICT-based music education and surveyed actual patterns of such education which were accommodated with existing music studies. In this relation, masters degree theses about music education, issued between 1986 and February 2003 were reviewed and analyzed here. Those theses, whose purpose was to properly settle the concept of ICT use, were classified into five styles according to their theses and then analytically compared with each other in terms of genre, point of time, school type, educational process and school level. Results of the study can be described as follows. In terms of genre, 30.5% of the theses surveyed here focused on the development and application of MIDI programs, and 22.0% on CAI use which was also related with such development and application. Thus a majority of the surveyed theses were concentrated on MIDI programs development and application. The utilization of WBI began to be studied from late 1990s when the Internet began to be popularized in this nation. When analyzed in accordance with their point of time, some theses of 1980s, surveyed here, studied CAI in order to determine the applicability of computer as a major or supplementary means of learning. There have been a variety of studies about Internet-based WBI education since late 1990s. In terms of University type, colleges and universities located in the national capital region, Korea National University of Education and national universities of education conducted studies regarding ICT use more actively and positively. In regard to educational substance system, 52.1% of the theses surveyed here focused on the method and application of ICT-based education, especially in relation to ways of instructing using ICT and their effectiveness and teaching-learning models using ICT. In terms of school level, finally, those theses reviewed here studied ICT-based education mainly in relation to elementary school.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. ICT 활용 논문의 경향 분석

1. 장르별 분석

2. 연도별 분석

3. 대학별 분석

4. 내용체계별 분석

5. 학교급별 분석

Ⅲ. 결 론
