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KCI등재 학술저널

신흥종교집단에 들어가는 과정에 대한 정신의학적 고찰

Psyciatric Review of the Process of Engaging in Cult

  • 85

Generally, the doctrines of Cult are very bizzare and difficult to be accepted by ordinary people with common sense. But there have been many people who are engaged in cult and had many problems. So understanding the psychological process of engaging in cult is essential to understand cult. Several fectors which influence people to cult are known. Confronting problems which can not be solved with previous perspectire and ability, people have cognitive discordance and emotional distress. At that time, people open their mind to NRM. And the positive, warm and intense human relationship in cult press the people to be engaged in cult. And some unfamiliar and supernatural experiences in cult make them be engaged in cult. Brain washing seems to be different from conversion in cult, because there is no compulsive physical and psychological restraint in cult which is essential in traditional brain washing. So people seemed to be engaged in cult, consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily. Traditionally, conversion religion has been regarded as very passive things. But, in these days, the active role of human in religious conversion is emphasized. The fact that cult has the charicteristics of charismatic group is important to understand cult. In order to study cult, charismatic group should be studied too. As cult has not only a religious aspect but also social, psychological, familial and cultural aspects, a comprehensive view to cult can be one way to study human inner world

신흥종교 집단에 대한 일반적 이해

신홍종교 집단에 들어가는 심리적 과정과 영향을 끼치는 요인

회심과 세뇌

변화된 의식 상태 (altered conciqiusness)와 신비적 체험

맺 는 말

