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KCI등재 학술저널

체형미 교정교실 참여 여성에서의 식사장애 유병율 및 식사특성과 성격특성의 상관관계에 대한 연구

The Prevalence of Eating Disorder, and Relationship between Ealing Traits and Personality Characteristics in Women Attending Cybertrim Center

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Objective : To investigate the prevalence of eating disorder, underlying personality pathology and specific eating traits, and its relatedness to personality characteristics of women attending cybertrim center, who were considered as a high risk group for eating disorder. Objects and Methods : The study group was 182 women who attended cybertrim center. The authors used self report questionaire which was composed of epidemiologic data, eating habit scale, the Eating Attitude Test (EAT), scale for locus of control for weight, Eysenck Personality Questionaire of Korean standardized edition for assessment of personality chracteristics, and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results : 1) The eating habits o f the study group were more problematic than those of control group, and the total score of the EAT which was related to abnormal eating behavior or eating disorder in the study group was higher than that of control group. The difference of the total score of EAT between two groups was mainly due to dieting related factors. 2) Psychoticism and the total score of BDI in the study group were significantly higher than those of control group. 3) Among personality characteristics, psychoticism had a significant correlation with the total score of EAT. And the total score of BDI had the positive correlation with the total score of EAT also. 4) In discriminant analysis, B D I and eating habits were the discriminant factors between two groups. 5) The number of eating disorder group according* the DSM - IV diagnostic criteria were 20 of 182 study subjects (11% : bulimia nervosa 19,anorexia nervosa 1). 6) In eating disorder group, eating habits were worse, and the total score of EAT, the score of psychoticism and the total score of BDI were higher to compare with weight control group and control group. Conclusion : These results may suggest that women attending cybertrim center are high risk group for eating disorder,especially bulimia nervosa, and they have characteristic eating traits, as like poor eating habits and high score in EAT, and these traits have the correlation with psychoticism and depressive tendency. In the formulation of psychopathology of eating disorder, psychoticism which reflects early developmental problem may act as a trait fector,and depressive tendency may act as a state dependent factor which varies according to clinical states

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연구대상 및 연구방법


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