The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of a Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form Korea version(GDSSF-K). GDSSF-K, BDI and SDS were administered to 176 depressed elderly and 84 nondepressed elderly. The GDSSF-K was highly correlated with the BDI(r=0.50) and the SDS(r=0.50). The median correlation between items of the GDSSF-K and corrected-item total scores was 0.65,and the mean interitem correlation from the GDSSF-K was 0.35. The value of Cronbach s a coefficient was 0.88. The split-half reliability coefficient and test-retest correlation coefficient were 0.85 and 0.90 respectively. The results of testing the validity of the GDSSF-K examined by the t-test provided evidence for the validity of the scale(t= - 7.07, d.f.=224.87, P〈0.001). The results of examining the sensitivity and the specificity of GDSSF-K were revealed that cut-off score of 5 yielded a 42.3% sensitivity rate and a 88.7% specificity rate. To identify the factor structure of GDSSF-K, we performed the factor analysis. As a result, we found 2 fectors in GDSSF-K, which were labeled as anti-vitality factor(factor 1) and depression factor(factor 2). The total percents of variance of 3 factors were 57.6%. The suggestions of GDSSF-K and the cross cultural consideratons were discussed
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