최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

선택적 함구증을 보이는 15세 남아의 Fluoxetine 치료 경험 1례

Fluoxetine Treatment in A 15-year-old Male Patient with Elective Mutism : A Case Report

  • 125

Elective mutism is a rare disease, and still its nosologic disease nature has not been clearly clarified. The authors experienced dramatic improvement in a 15-year-old boy with elective mutism by 6 weeks of fluoxetine treatment. His symtoms started 4 years ago and vivid social phobic symptoms were accompanied in adolescence. From these findings, we noticed the possibility of using fluoxetine generally in elective mutism patient and reviewed the nosologic concept of elective mutism in social phobic aspect.

서 론

증 례

고 찰

요 약

