최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

HIV -관련 치매 1례

A Case of HIV-Associated Dementia

  • 5

The authors present a case of HIV-associated dementia with the review of literature. This 62- year-old male suffered from relatively rapid progressing cognitive decline(such as memory im pairment, language deviation, and executive function loss), behavioral changes(such as lack of in terest, silly smile, and social withdrawal), and leg weakness. In physical examination, weight loss, palpable lymph node on neck, scabbing of Herpes Zoster were revealed, and also in neurologic examination, hyperreflexia and grasp reflex were found. On mental status examination, he showed delayed response, dysnomia, non-fluency, perseveration, disorientation, impairments of attention and concentration, short-term and long-term memory, and abstract thinking. HIV antibody was confirmed by ELISA and finally Western-blot. Brain M R images demonstrate cortical atrophy, secondary ventricular dilatation, and multifocal high signal intensity. On brain SPECT, asymmetric hypoperfusion at right frontal and temporal lobe was noted. These findings were compatible with HIV-associated dementia.

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